Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011




Raja Ampat is the fraction of Sorong district, since 2003. This district has a population of 31,000 inhabitants has 610 islands (only 35 islands are inhabited) with a total area about 46,000 km2, but only 6,000 km2 of area is land, 40,000 km2 of area is ocean. The islands are unspoiled and beautiful sea is still making a direct tourists hooked. They seemed to want to explore all waters in the “Kepala Burung” or "Bird's Head" Papua island.
This area had become the target of poachers of fish and coral reefs by bombing and spread the poison cyanide. However, there are still many people who attempt to protect the area so that the wealth of the sea could be saved. Coral reefs in the sea Raja Ampat considered comprehensive in the world. Of the 537 species of coral of the world, 75 percent were in these waters. Also found 1104 species of fish, 669 species of molluscs (soft animals), and 537 species of coral animals. Incredible.

The World Bank in collaboration with global environmental institutions set Raja Ampat as one of the areas in eastern Indonesia which receive assistance Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (Coremap) II, since 2005. In Raja Ampat, the program includes 17 villages and involve the local population. Fishermen are also trained to cultivate grouper and seaweed.


In the records of underwater photography in the area of ​​Raja Ampat, Imam Brotoseno mention that the content of the wealth of marine life most at Raja Ampat in all areas of the world's coral triangle, namely Filipinos-Indonesia-Papua New Guinea. This Triangle is the heart of this coral reef world's wealth is protected and defined by international nature conservation protection. Of the approximately 600 types of coral reefs in the world, 75% of whom were in the waters of Raja Ampat.

With the breadth of the waters of Raja Ampat, and the wealth of marine life is diverse, then the tourists who want to enjoy the underwater panorama can choose some point to dive. Around the island of Kri, for example, tourists can witness the beauty of coral reefs and many species of fish which is amazing, including the type of fish the famous Queensland grouper, pompano, snapper, grouper, reef sharks, tuna, napoeleon wrasse, barracuda, and giant Trevally. The wealth of different species of fish in the area of ​​the island of Kri was never proved by Gerry Allen, in which he recorded at least once a dive there are 283 species of fish. The amounts are staggering for a single dive.
Another place to dive is in the Sardine Reef with a depth of about 10 meters. This place serves a variety of fish including parrotfish fish that have brilliant color. If want to try the sensation of being in a rock tunnel, tourists can dive around the Bay Islands Kaboei Rock. On these islands there is a bay which is a tunnel underneath a rock. In Kaboei Bay Rock also found coral caves inhabited by bats, and in some places the remains of human bones.
There are many other diving spots that can be traced by divers, such as in The Passage, Island Fam, and Misool Island. Besides enjoying the wealth of marine life, tourists can also enjoy the historical sites under the sea, including warships and combat aircraft which sank in the waters of Raja Ampat. Not only that, tourists can also enjoy the beauty of the islands in the Raja Ampat. Mainland islands in this region is relatively pristine, lagoon and the bay is quite sheltered, has a stunning stretch of beach and crystal clear sea.


In the area of ​​Raja Ampat underwater tours, tourists can obtain adequate facilities in which there are several resorts, like on the island of Kri, Waigeo, Mansuar, and Misool. Some resorts charge a price that is relatively expensive because the present facilities. But the tourists with a lower budget can take advantage of government-owned resort is much cheaper.
Another alternative is to choose to stay several days on the ship (Liveaboard) by renting a boat that has been specially modified Pinisi to dive a few days. The ship has a maximum capacity of 14 people, at a cost of about Rp 90 million to Rp 110 million to cruise for a week

In addition to marine and fisheries, Raja Ampat has a wealth of natural resources, including oil and nickel. At the bottom of the sea also many ships have foundered former World War II, which is estimated to contain "treasure trove" of high value. However, if wrong in governance, it is feared exploitation activities undermine conservation and natural beauty of the sea.

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Important to Knowing HIV AIDS


Now, in all parts of the world, especially in Indonesia increased HIV-AIDS disease more rampant. It would be nice if we know little bit about HIV AIDS itself. Hopefully this can bebeneficial for the survival of the nation's future.
AIDS itself is a continuation of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is a set of symptoms of infection caused by the HIV virus which works by damaging the immune system in the human body. HIV is a continuation of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.Which means the virus is eating human immune and make it as energy to breed.
Someone who has been exposed to HIV do not necessarily she was suffering from AIDS, because it took a dozen years to someone who has been infected with HIV become AIDS sufferers. This HIV virus preys on the human immune system until eventually the sufferer can not do anything, then that's when he was hit by AIDS.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or commonly abbreviated as CDC estimates that 25% of HIV-positive patients are not aware of the health conditions and their HIV status. To the knowledge of the early symptoms of this disease is very important to prevent more severe and difficult to overcome.
At least by knowing more about the disease early for those who have it will provide intensive prevention sufferers in order to better survive longer than AIDS who have severe disease. So know the symptoms of HIV to overcome one crucial point.
The best way to tell if someone has HIV / AIDS or not is to perform a medical examination through blood tests. When testing is not possible, there are certain signs that can indicate whether someone has HIV / AIDS or not, or at least know the symptoms.
It must be remembered that a person with HIV usually do not show signs for at least several months to several years.

In adults, three major signs of AIDS are:
1. Lost 10% of body weight over one month without cause.
2. Diarrhea is more than one month.
3. A fever that lasts for more than one month either constant or come and go

In adults, 5 minor signs of AIDS are:
1. Dry cough that does not heal.
2. Itchy skin all over the body.
3. Herpes zoster (chicken pox-like, or caused by viruses that also cause chicken pox, herpes viruses) that do not heal.
4. Candidiasis, a white, raised rash on the mouth, tongue, or throat.
5. Swollen glands (neck, armpit, or groin) with or without an active infection.

Adults can be diagnosed with AIDS, if it has at least 2 major signs and one minor sign. But, that's enough to make a diagnosis of AIDS if the person has cancer of the skin (called Karposi, which is usually reddish, purple, or black spots on the skin that can become large and painful) or cryptococcal meningitis (infection of the covering of the brain that causes fever, stiff neck, headache, confusion, and inability to wake up).

In children, three major signs of AIDS are:
1. Weight loss or slow growth.
2. Severe diarrhea for 14 days or more.
3. Fever for more than a month.

In children, 5 minor signs of AIDS are:
1. Itchy skin all over the body.
2. Swollen glands (neck, armpit, or groin).
3. Candidiasis (white spots) in the mouth, tongue, or throat.
4. Infections of the ear, throat, and other infections.
5. A cough that does not heal.

If there is one of his relatives, friends or even your own you are experiencing symptoms as above. do not be afraid and ashamed to consult a doctor and nearest hospital.

For the modes of transmission of HIV virus itself can only be through:
1. Sexual intercourse with multiple partners (multiple partners) without using safety devices (condoms).
2. Through blood transfusion.
3. Through a mother's breast milk given to children with AIDS.
4. The use of hypodermic needles, piercings, tattoos are not sterile.
For more information, the HIV virus cant be transmitted by touching, sharing a bathroom, sharing eating utensils, kissing (unless there are injuries in lips). We do not need to isolate HIV-AIDS sufferers, because they are equals with our. There is no thing that distinguishes and dangerous for us.
For prevention, you should not have sex before marriage, although forced to have to do it my advice is always use safety devices (condoms).
Hopefully this information useful. Thank you.

Created by : Lassandra Febriano

Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

How to Eat Great and Lose Weight

How to Eat Great and Lose Weight

Snacking on dried out rice cakes and wilted lettuce leaves is no way to spend your mealtimes. You don’t have to eat bland, boring foods just to trim up. It is possible to eat great and lose weight all at the same time. If you choose quality foods and have a willingness to try new things, you can get down on delicious meals and shed pounds too.


You can’t possibly lose weight if the foods you use to prepare you meals are unhealthy and loaded with calories. When you avoid processed nonsense and stick with fresh ingredients, you can’t go wrong. Anything boxed, frozen, jugged or canned is considered processed and has no place in a healthy diet.

Foods that should be staples in your healthy meal plans include fresh fish, naturally raised meats, organic poultry, organic whole eggs, raw nuts, fresh herbs, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Natural foods are better for you because they are low in calories and filled with plenty of nutrients your body can use.

Also, natural foods aren’t loaded with a laundry list of additives that contribute to weight gain, diabetes, cancer, hypertension and other health problems.


I love grilled chicken, but if I had to eat if every day, I’d go bananas—I imagine you would too.  Free yourself from the bondage of humdrum, tasteless meals by experimenting with recipes. Thumb through cookbooks, surf the Internet and use your imagination to whip up meals you can’t wait to sink your teeth into.

When you come across recipes that have unhealthy ingredients, simply swap the bad ingredients out for healthier ones. For instance, if a recipe calls for milk, you can replace this ingredient with coconut or almond milk. Also, don’t be afraid to switch out spices and seasonings to add a new flavor to a dish.

Vary your cooking methods to keep things fresh and give food a different taste. For instance, if you always broil your steak, try sautéing it, or covering it with olive oil and dropping it on the grill. All of these cooking methods are healthy and easy to master.


Healthy French Toast:
  • 2 slices of Sprouted Grain, Spelt or Rice bread
  • 1 tablespoon of real butter
  • 2 whole organic eggs
  • maple syrup
  • cinnamon

Directions: Mix the eggs in a bowl. Dip the bread in the egg mixture until it is completely coated on both sides. Heat a pan on low to medium heat and add the butter. Once the butter is melted, add the egg coated bread and cook each side for 3 to 4 minutes. Sprinkle the toast with cinnamon and serve it with 2 teaspoons of maple syrup.

Baked Chicken 
  • 1 whole baking chicken
  • extra virgin coconut oil
  • your favorite Italian spices ( use thyme, parsley, oregano, garlic powder, sea salt and pepper)

Directions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Place 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a small pan and melt it over low heat. Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of each of your spices in a small bowl and pour in the melted coconut oil. Mix all the ingredients together. Let the spice and coconut oil mixture cool.

Rub the spice and oil mixture under the skin of the chicken with your hands. Once the chicken is completely coated, place it breast side down in a glass baking pan and pop it in the oven. Let the chicken cook for 1 to 2 hours until it’s done.
There’s nothing boring or tasteless about the above recipes. If you’re creative and are willing to experiment with new recipes, you can chow down like this everyday and look fantastic doing it.

Mengenal HIV AIDS (Indonesian Version)

Akhir-akhir ini, di seluruh belahan dunia, khususnya di indonesia peningkatan penyakit HIV  AIDS semakin merajalela. Alangkah baiknya apabila kita mengetahui sedikit banyak tentang HIV AIDS itu sendiri. Semoga ini dapat bermanfaat untuk kelangsungan hidup bangsa kedepannya.
AIDS itu sendiri adalah kepanjangan dari Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS merupakan serangkaian gejala infeksi yang disebabkan oleh Virus HIV yang bekerja dengan cara merusak sistem kekebalan pada tubuh manusia. HIV merupakan kepanjangan dari Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Yang artinya virus ini memakan kekebalan tubuh manusia dan menjadikannya sebagai energi untuk berkembang biak. 
Seseorang yang sudah terkena HIV belum tentu dia mengidap penyakit AIDS, karena buth waktu belasan tahun untuk sesorang yang telah terinfeksi virus HIV menjdi penderita AIDS. Virus HIV ini memangsa sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia sampai akhirnya si pengidap ini tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa, maka saat itulah dia terkena AIDS.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention atau biasa disingkat CDC memperkirakan bahwa 25% dari penderita HIV positif tidak sadar dengan kondisi kesehatan dan status HIV mereka. Untuk itu pengetahuan tentang gejala dini penyakit ini sangatlah penting untuk mencegah lebih parahnya dan susah penanggulangannya.
Setidaknya dengan mengetahui lebih dini tentang penyakit ini bagi yang mengidapnya akan memberikan pencegahan secara intensif penderitanya agar bisa lebih bertahan hidup lebih lama dari penyakit AIDS yang sudah parah. Jadi mengetahi gejala HIV salah satu point penting penanggulangannya.
Cara terbaik untuk mengetahui apakah sesorang mengidap HIV / AIDS atau tidak adalah dengan melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan melalui test darah. Ketika pengujian tidak memungkinkan, ada tanda-tanda tertentu yang bisa menunjukkan apakah seseorang mengidap HIV/AIDS atau tidak, atau minimal megetahui gejala-gejalanya.
Harus diingat bahwa seseorang yang mengidap HIV biasanya tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda selama paling sedikit beberapa bulan sampai beberapa tahun.

Pada orang dewasa, 3 tanda-tanda utama AIDS adalah:

1. Kehilangan 10% dari berat badan lebih dari satu bulan tanpa penyebab.
2. Diare lebih dari satu bulan.
3. Demam yang berlangsung selama lebih dari satu bulan baik konstan atau datang dan pergi

Pada orang dewasa, 5 tanda minor AIDS adalah:

1. Batuk kering yang tidak sembuh-sembuh.
2. Kulit gatal di seluruh tubuh.
3. Herpes zoster (mirip cacar air, atau disebabkan virus yang juga mengakibatkan cacar air, virus herpes) yang tidak kunjung sembuh.
4. Candidiasis, yang putih, mengangkat ruam pada mulut, lidah, atau tenggorokan.
5. Pembengkakan kelenjar (di leher, ketiak, atau selangkangan) dengan atau tanpa infeksi aktif.
Orang dewasa dapat didiagnosis mengidap AIDS, jika memiliki minimal 2 tanda-tanda utama dan satu tanda minor. Tapi, itu sudah cukup untuk membuat diagnosis AIDS jika seseorang mengidap kanker kulit (disebut Karposi, yang biasanya kemerah-merahan, ungu, atau bintik-bintik hitam pada kulit yang dapat menjadi besar dan menyakitkan) atau kriptokokal meningitis (infeksi pada meliputi otak yang menyebabkan demam, leher kaku, sakit kepala, kebingungan, dan ketidakmampuan untuk bangun).

Pada anak-anak, 3 tanda-tanda utama AIDS adalah:

1. Berat badan, atau pertumbuhan lambat.
2. Diare berat selama 14 hari atau lebih.
3. Demam selama lebih dari satu bulan.

Pada anak-anak, 5 tanda minor AIDS adalah:

1. Kulit gatal di seluruh tubuh.
2. Pembengkakan kelenjar (di leher, ketiak, atau selangkangan).
3. Candidiasis (bintik-bintik putih) di dalam mulut, lidah, atau tenggorokan.
4. Infeksi pada telinga, tenggorokan, dan infeksi lainnya.
5. Batuk yang tidak sembuh-sembuh.
Apabila ada salah seorang saudara, teman anda atau bahkan anda sendiri yang mengalami gejala seperti diatas. jangan takut dan malu untuk berkonsultasi ke Dokter dan Rumah Sakit terdekat. 
Untuk cara penularan Virus HIV itu sendiri hanya bisa melalui :
1. Hubungan seksual dengan banyak pasangan (berganti-ganti pasangan) tanpa menggunakan    alat pengaman (kondom).
2. Melalui transfusi darah.
3. Melalui ASI yang diberikan seorang ibu pengidap AIDS terhadap anaknya.
4. Penggunaan jarum suntik, tindik,tatto yang tidak steril.
Untuk sekedar informasi, Virus HIV tidak bisa menular dengan cara bersentuhan, berbagi kamar mandi, berbagi alat makan, berciuman(kecuali jika ada luka dibibir), keringat. Kita tidak perlu mengucilkan Penderita HIV AIDS ini, karena mereka sama dengan kita. Tidak ada hal yang membedakan dan membahayakan untuk kita.
Untuk pencegahan, sebaiknya janganlah melakukan hubungan intim sebelum menikah, walaupun terpaksa sampai harus melakukannya saran saya selalu gunakanlah alat pengaman(kondom).
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat. Terimakasih.

Created by Lassandra Febriano

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Raja Ampat on Top View


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Raja Ampat Under The Sea


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Sunrise and Sunset at Raja Ampat


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